“Raise Your Vibration” Acrylic Painting on Canvas 5″ x 5″

Energize your life with art. Acrylic painting on a small canvas measuring 5″ x 5″ painted with pastel stripes and a touch of gold. Pairs perfectly with “Find Your Glow”


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“Raise Your Vibration” Acrylic Painting on Canvas 5″ x 5″


Enhance a meditation space or a corner that needs a little brightness to raise your vibration. Color Energy Series. Colors: Soft pinks and eggshell hues in pale yellow, tan, and Robin’s egg blue.  Energy statement: “Be the love you want.” 5″ x 5″ x 1.5″

Ideas on Where and How to Hang: Small paintings grouped and hung together make a visually stunning gallery wall above a couch. This small painting is made from solid wood that can be set on a floating shelf, desk, or bedside table. Art enhances not only the energy in your room but your life, too. Find out how, here.

Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 1.5 in


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